2024 Bike Commuter Challenge presented by Keating Law Offices

Your donation supports this event and the work of Active Transportation Alliance. Allowing ATA to advocate for biking in the Chicagoland area. We appreciate your support!

The Bike Challenge is free to participate!

Corporate Sponsors receive: sponsorship recognition on Bike Commuter Challenge emails, invitation and tabling to all Celebration Stations, and Social Media recognition. Your sponsorship supports not only this event but Active Transportation Alliances work for better biking infrastructure. If you have additional questions please email, clare@activetrans.org.

Create Your Account

Join-Connect with your Team Captain to ensure you have the correct team name. Do not create a duplicate team for the same organization. Create a Team-Team Captains should create a team before participants register.

This registrant has been joined to a team:

Team's name:
Organization's name:
Join-Connect with your Team Captain to ensure you have the correct team name. Do not create a duplicate team for the same organization. Create a Team-Team Captains should create a team before participants register.
Name Address
Enter the team name your Team Leader provided. If you do not know it, you can also search by your organizations name. There can be multiple teams under one organization, make sure to join the right one, ask your Team Leader if you're not sure!
Name Organization

Renew Membership Here

Become a member and receive discounts at over 100 bike shops and businesses, discounts on all Active Trans events, our Chicagoland Member Stickers, and a $10 credit on an annual Divvy membership.
